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Services & Rates
Pet sitters and dog walkers Manhattan
New York City Pet Sitting Service
Pet sitter service in NYC


Holiday surcharge .............................. $5. (per visit)

To view our complete holiday schedule click here.

Late/early visit surcharge ................. $8

A surcharge for visits scheduled before 7:00am /after 9:00pm.

Additional pet charge ........................ $7. (per pet)

Medications ......................................... N/C* 

Routine medications are dispensed at no charge. More time consuming treatments, such as subq hydrations with an IV,
may require a surcharge and will be assessed individually.

You will need to book an additional mid-day walk to ​ensure complete coverage for your dog(s). For more about overnight visits click here.

Overnight visit .................................... $90. (per night)

A sitter stays in your home from 8:00pm to 8:00am the next
morning. Walks upon arrival, before bedtime, after waking,
and just prior to leaving are all included.

30-Minute visit (1-2 pets) ................... $26.

60-Minute visit (1-2 pets) ................... $52.

In general, keeping your household running smoothly
while you're away!

Care and attention to each pet

Fresh food and water

Dog walking/litter box scooping

Administering any necessary medications

Rotating lights on/off, plant watering, retreive mail

Our pet sitting visits always include:

Manhattan pet sitting service
pet sitter NYC
Pet care New York City
Manhatten pet sitting service
NYC pet sitter

Our standard rates always include up to two pets per household.


Have Questions? Please read our FAQs.  Ready to get started? Click here.

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