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Services & Rates
Pet sitters and dog walkers Manhattan
New York City Pet Sitting Service
dog walking Manhattan

To learn more about our puppy visits click here.


Late/early visit surcharge ................ $7

A surcharge for visits scheduled before 7:00am /after 9:00pm.

Additional dog charge ...................... $7. (per dog)

Puppy visit .......................................... $19. (each 30-min. visit)

A service for crated puppies that may include a walk/playtime, socialization, medication, feeding, and... cleanup!

Availability subject to assessment.

15-Minute walk (1-2 dogs) .................. $17.

For toy breeds, older dogs, or those with health issues, only.

Holiday surcharge ............................. $5. (per walk)

To view our complete holiday schedule click here.  

60-Minute walk (1-2 dogs) .................. $38.

Best for larger/energetic breeds.

Our standard walk – and we ensure your dog always enjoys

a full half hour of exercise.

30-Minute walk (1-2 dogs*) ................ $19.

Our standard rates always include up to two dogs per household.


For clients looking to book walks on a continuing basis

we offer convenient monthly dog walking packages. 

For full details and pricing click here.

Dog walking packages:

Service scheduled on the holidays listed below will incur a $5 surcharge per visit.

Most clients book a mid-morning and mid-afternoon visit
for the first 1-2 months (or until housebroken).

Have Questions? Please read our FAQs.  Ready to get started? Click here.

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