Frequently Asked Questions

Are you bonded and insured?
Yes, all of our pet care professionals are fully bonded and
insured. As a registered client you'll have the opportunity
to view and download copies of our bond and insurance
policies for your records.

I've never used a dog walker. What do I need to know?
We have created a page entitled “What to Expect” which contains good information for first-time clients. You can access the page here.

I've never used a pet sitter. What do I need to know?
We have created a page entitled “What to Expect” which contains good information for first-time clients. You can access the page here.

Where can I find the Preparation is Key checklist?
Click here to print or download a copy.

Will I always have the same walker?
Yes, the walker you initially meet with is your assigned
walker and hopefully someone with whom you and your
dog can build a long-term relationship. In case of emer-
gencies or vacations we will send a backup walker. The
backup walker will always be another trusted member
of The Pawfessionals team, and will be fully briefed on
the details of your service.

Will my dog be walked with other dogs?
No. At The Pawfessionals we do not pack-walk. Our
walks are either individual or “family” (2 or more dogs
in the same household).

What time will you visit my pets?
When you initially meet with your walker they will ask for
a general time you'd like your dog to be walked. Due to
the nature of our activities, specific visit times cannot be
guaranteed.* Typically, walks and visits are completed
within a one to two hour “window.”
Pet sitting visits: Two visits per day are scheduled approx.
12 hours apart unless otherwise agreed. Three visits per
day are scheduled approx. 8 hours apart during waking
*In the case of time-sensitive issues such as medication, we
will make every attempt arrive at the owner's preferred time.

How do I pay?
We accept cash, American Express, Mastercard, Visa and
Discover. You can pay your invoice online by clicking here.

What is your cancellation policy?
Walks/visits canceled with at least 24 hrs. notification
will either be rescheduled or converted to a monetary
credit on your account to be used for future service.
Walks/visits canceled with less than 24 hrs. notification
are considered canceled ”with penalty” and cannot
be refunded.

Will my dog be walked during temperature extremes/inclement weather?
When the temperature is above 90 degrees or below
32 degrees walks may be shortened. In the case of
strong storms with thunder and lightning, your walker
will go outside long enough for your dog(s) to relieve
themselves, then spend the remainder of the time indoors.
In the case of winter storms, either your walker or the
office will contact you directly to confirm that you need
service that day. If so, your walker will make every effort
to keep to their schedule as closely as possible.

Why do you need two sets of keys?
We ask for two keys in the event the unexpected happens
and your walker/sitter is unable to perform the walk/visit.
A second key ensures we will be able to access your
pet(s) no matter what. The first key is the “working copy”
used by the walker/sitter, the second is kept locked in our
office to be used in emergency situations only.

What happens if my pet becomes injured or ill?
We are dedicated to excellent care of your pet(s). In the
event of an injury or illness we will take your pet to either
their own vet or (in an extreme emergency/after hours) the
nearest animal hospital. You (or your emergency contact in
your absence) will always be contacted before any action
is taken, unless the situation requires immediate attention.
Your walker/sitter will always remain with your pet until you
(or your emergency contact) are reached and decide
what action is to be taken.

How do you handle pet accidents and pet destruction of property?
We will make every attempt to clean up accidents with
supplies you have on hand for this purpose. If you have
no suitable supplies we will purchase them for you, and
add the cost to your final invoice.
Please be aware that not all accidents can be completely
erased, no matter what product is used. If you have
scheduled two visits per day for your pet and we routinely
find feces or urine at the next scheduled visit, we will begin
isiting your pet three times per day. If this occurs you will
be notified and billed accordingly.

How are gratuities handled?
Gratuities are graciously accepted and may be given
directly to your pet sitter. If you would like to include a
gratuity with your credit card payment for pet sitting
services, we can do that as well and will ensure your
walker/sitter receives your full gratuity.

What is the purpose of the emailed service confirmation I receive when I book service?
The schedule confirmation message is a check for us
and you to ensure the dates of service are correct, and
that the services to be delivered are clearly documented.
It eliminates any possible confusion or misunderstanding.
Service confirmations also keep you updated on the status
of any credit or balances you may have on your account.

Can I make changes to my service order online?
No. To ensure changes are input correctly into our
system, we ask that you either phone in or email
adjustments to your service.

Should I do anything upon my return home?
will leave a checkout sheet asking you call our automated
notification system at 1-(877) 250-8518 to confirm your
return home. This system will require 2 verbal responses.
Instructions on how to use the system will be on the
checkout sheet. At the conclusion of a pet sitting assignment, your sitter
This notification process will ensure the continued care
of your pet(s) in the event you are unable to return at
the scheduled time due to delayed/canceled flights or
a change in plans. If we do not hear from you within 6
hours of your stated return time we will assume that you
are delayed. We will instruct your sitter to stay on schedule
until we have made contact with you. You will be billed for
any additional visits at our standard rate.
Can't find the answer to your question above?
Click here to email us your question. In most cases
we'll have an answer to you within 24hrs.
Ready to get started? Click here.